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Domestika – Applying Creativity to Architectural Projects

Domestika - Applying Creativity to Architectural ProjectsApplying Creativity to Architectural Projects


Applying Creativity to Architectural Projects : Learn how to generate a concept from references and create added value by incorporating storytelling

Each space has a story and how to tell it is a mission that Ana Arana and Enrique Ventosa—founders of the architecture and design studio Plutarco—are passionate about. Through the study and search for references, they develop a unique concept for each of their projects, which helps them stand out from the competition and win new clients.

In this course, learn the appropriate references for each type of architectural project and how, through research and documentation, you can find those that interest you most to carry out your project introducing an added value.

Start by getting to know Ana and Enrique, their careers, and some of the projects they have worked on so far.

They explain the importance of having references so that the concept of your project is completely justified and you can better transmit it to the client. Learn which are the appropriate references for each type of project and how, through active and passive research, you can store and document your references to have them ready at any time.

The first thing is to get to know the assignment, the space, and the materialization of a first concept that will give you a clear path to start the search for references for this project.

At the end of this first part, create a mood board to bring together your references with the concept to emphasize its strength and intention.

The next phase is to select and download the references and to apply them to specific spaces in the proposal before presenting it to the client.

Afterward, learn how to execute the ideas by applying them to the project and see the final result.

Finally, they explain how to react quickly with the client. See existing examples that can support your idea and some quick examples that you can always use as a resource.

What is this course’s project?

Learn what Ana and Enrique’s references were and how they applied them to EXPERIMENTO Madrid, a creative lab that combines an emerging art and design gallery, a coworking space for creative people, a design studio, and event rooms for rent.

Who is it for?

The course is aimed at architects, interior designers, designers, and any creative person who wants to add value to their projects by incorporating references.

What you need

You do not need previous knowledge of architecture, although some basic notions of AutoCAD or Adobe Illustrator can be useful. The important thing is to have a proactive and restless attitude to be open to search and research.



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