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Blender to Unreal Engine 5 | 3D Props | Medieval Gallows

Blender to Unreal Engine 5 3D Props Medieval GallowsBlender to Unreal Engine 5


Blender to Unreal Engine 5 | 3D Props | Medieval Gallows : Would you like to learn how to model and animate a set of three medieval 3D AAA game assets?


  • To own a computer (Microsoft, Linux or Mac)
  • To have downloaded Blender (available for free)
  • To have downloaded Unreal Engine 5 (preferably) or another open-source game engine
  • A thirst to learn and excitement about 3D modelling and animation
  • To download all course resources including a free course handbook and download pack with 6 textures, and 48 texture maps at 4 k resolution, 3 references, 1 HDRI map, 1 HDRI portfolio gradient map, and 1 human reference.

Get started with part 1 of a medieval game assets 3D modelling series coming in November!

These three courses have been streamlined to make them compact and full of knowledge.

‘Blender to Unreal Engine 3D Props Medieval Gallows’ will see you creating a set of medieval gallows with aged wooden planks and rope. The medieval gallows game asset also incorporates animated elements; the collapsable platform to run the executions.

This course will give you access to just over 6 hours of 3D art.

Learn how to build a medieval came asset that would fit perfectly in the main square of any medieval game city or medieval castle keep in the game engine of your choice.

This course will see you learn all the techniques pros use and how they use them. Learning how to add wear and tear details to your 3D game asset will be a central part of this course’s learning objectives!

Through reading this course description you will find out:

  • What you want to learn about 3D modelling;
  • What you are going to get through ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 3D Props Medieval Gallows’, and;
  • How the course will take your 3D modelling, and animation skills to the next level.


This course will teach you how to bring to life a game-ready AAA video game prop, ready for you to render as part of your portfolio.

Our 3D modelling focus will be on building a simple wooden structure for our gallows, followed by modelling rope and adding realism to it. We will also be making sure that the floor platform planks are cut the right way so that they can collapse in a believable way when the execution lever is pushed down.

Texturing and Materials

All in all, ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 3D Props Medieval Gallows’ will provide you with intensive learning all in one place, giving you access to over 6 textures, and 48 texture maps at 4 k resolution. This course will also teach you the basics of making your own materials and shaders using these textures.

‘Blender to Unreal Engine 3D Props Medieval Gallows’ will teach you all about gamma, hue, and saturation.


As part of this ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 3D Props Medieval Gallows’ course, you will learn how to use keyframes to key in different animations to the parts we want to animate. We will be animating the wooden platform so that it can collapse upon pulling down the execution lever which will also be animated.

Lighting & Rendering

By joining ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 3D Props Medieval Gallows’, you will learn about specific types of in-built Blender lighting functionalities that will enhance the scary and dark feeling of your medieval gallows.

We will also be creating a portfolio render for any multimedia site you wish to upload your completed model to.

‘Blender to Unreal Engine 3D Props Medieval Gallows’ is a complete guide into using Cycles for lighting, rendering, shadow.

Game Engine Incorporation Unreal Engine 5

We will be taking a deep dive into Epic’s all-new Unreal Engine 5. Do not worry if you have not managed to download it and are still working with UE4 because everything you will learn in this section can be used in both.

Through ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 3D Props Medieval Gallows’ you will be learning everything right from importing animations from Blender to having them work correctly in UE5. Through this course, you will learn the basics of bringing your games asset to life, rendered in real-time.

We will look at how to import and use textures created specifically for Unreal Engine and use them to create the materials for our medieval gallows.

One of the main things about this course is that we will also be creating our own portfolio gradient skybox!

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner 3D modellers eager to learn how to build medieval-themed AAA game-ready assets such as fully animated medieval gallows
  • Enthusiasts of Blender who want to fast-track their understanding of its new and exciting changes
  • Mid-Level 3D modellers who want to take their modelling to a new level and improve their workflow with tips and tricks
  • Fans of all things grim and historical who want to create an awe-striking asset within Unreal Engine 5

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