Unreal Engine – NFT Gallery Showroom v5.0+
Unreal Engine – NFT Gallery Showroom
Unreal Engine – NFT Gallery Showroom : This asset will perfectly fit any PC
project that requires quality Metaverse NFT gallery showroom
with holographic elements, TV screens and 43 example NFT images.
The asset is modular so you can edit or make
your own variants.
You can make room smaller or bigger, add corridors, put your
and additional rooms as you see fit.
You can replace example images with your NFT collection, make holographic description for each NFT.
You can change TV screen videos with your own video.
Change the holograms appearance and color with ease by adjusting material.
Change the scene mood simply by changing emissive material and lights color and intensity.
Demo scane have it’s lighting baked with High quality GPU Lightmap.
Demo scene is lightmapped with GPU lightmass, in order to look correctly
simply turn ON Virtual texture support and Vitrual texture lightpmaps
in project settings Edit–>Project settings–>Rendering
Technical Details
Demo map ready to use
High quality meshes and textures
Baked indirect lighting
Modular asset structure, allowing to change interior size, add more rooms etc.
Replace NFT image textures with any images to create your own variants.
Collision: Yes, auto generated, and custom.
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