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Unreal Engine 5 C++: Advanced Action RPG

Unreal Engine 5 C++: Advanced Action RPG

Unreal Engine 5 C++: Advanced Action RPG


Unreal Engine 5 C++: Advanced Action RPG : Create advanced RPG combat experience in Unreal Engine 5 through Gameplay Ability System(GAS) using C++

Powerful melee combo system with light and heavy attacks
Make use of Gameplay Ability System to create engaging RPG combat experience
Advanced enemy AI using custom BTTask, BTTDecorator, BTService
Environment Query System for advanced AI behaviors
Directional hit react and rolling
Melee block and parry
Special weapon abilities and rage ability with cost and cooldown
Robust UI notify system
Survival combat game mode that spawns enemies in waves
Main menu, pause menu, winning/losing screen plus a loading screen
Performant target lock system
Different types of enemy with melee and long-ranged abilities
Custom C++ ability task/latent action for combat
Best practices for using asynchronous and synchronous loading
Data-oriented combat stats design
Industry-standard code practices with easily extendable code structure

Welcome to “Unreal Engine 5 C++: Advanced Action RPG”! The most comprehensive RPG course you’ll ever find online. In this course, we’ll employ industry-standard coding practices and data-oriented design to create AAA RPG combat experiences.

You’ll learn how to use Gameplay Ability System to create a complex RPG combat experience and implement exciting features like a combo system with light and heavy attacks, directional rolling, hit reactions, blocking, parrying, target locking, special abilities with cooldowns, AI avoidance, advanced enemy AI with strafing and projectile attacks, an epic boss fight, and much more.

In the first section, we’ll set up our hero character for the gameplay ability system and proceed with input binding using native gameplay tags and data assets. Once our character can navigate the level, we’ll combine GAS with linked animation layers to create a melee combo system featuring light and heavy attacks. With these elements in place, we’ll introduce enemy characters, adding attributes, combat feedback, character death, and a robust UI notification system. You’ll also learn to use asynchronous loading for startup data and create a custom function library for handling damage.

Next, we’ll implement AI avoidance and strafing using a blend of Blueprint and C++ behavior tree nodes to craft advanced AI behaviors. We’ll incorporate the crowd following component for detour crowd avoidance and explore behavior tree node types and the environment query system to determine strafing locations.

With our enemies capable of dealing damage, we’ll refine our hero’s combat abilities by adding directional rolling, directional hit reactions, blocking, parrying, and target locking. You’ll learn to use motion warping for dynamic rolling distances and handle most of the heavy lifting in C++ for the target lock ability.

Following this, we’ll introduce a ranged enemy that shoots projectiles and retreats when approached. We’ll then add a boss character complete with a boss bar, powerful melee attacks, and the ability to summon other enemies. Once our combat system is fully functional, we’ll develop a survival game mode with enemy waves. We’ll create multiple widgets, including a win screen, lose screen, pause menu, and main menu. Finally, we’ll port everything to a real map for epic battles against our enemies.

This comprehensive RPG course is unmatched online. With detailed code changes provided in each lecture and a step-by-step approach, there’s no better time to create your dream RPG project. What are you waiting for? Join the course and start your RPG adventure today!

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