Urban Material Pack
Urban Material Pack
Urban Material Pack : A beautiful variation of 41 different Urban / Downtown materials for the use in any game or architectural project.
All Materials are in 2048×2048 resolution and includes base color map, normal map and roughness, ao, height combined map.
Textures Included in this pack:
- 1 asphalt
- 8 brick
- 2 cobblestone / pavement
- 6 concrete
- 14 tile
- 2 window glass
- 2 window frame
- 2 plaster
- 3 metal
- 4 wood
Adjustable Texture tiling, texture rotation, normal intensity, AO power, normal intensity and roughness intensity in each material instance.
Adjustable glass opacity inside glass Material Instances.
Adjustable Tessellation and Displacement start and end fade for Distance Based Tessellation material instances.
3-Way Vertex material instances.
Asphalt ground material with paint-able cracks and water puddles with wave animation
Adjustable wave tiling, wave speed and wave intensity.
Technical Details
Features: PBR Urban / Downtown Materials
Number of Materials: 8 Master Material & 60 Instance Materials with a resolution of 2048×2048
- 1 Basic master material with 29 instances
- 1 Glass master with 2 instances
- 1 Window frame master with 2 instances
- 1 Distance Based Tessellation material with 12 instances
- 1 4-Way Vertex Blend master with 2 instances
- 1 3-Way Vertex Blend master with 1 instance
- 1 Metallic master with 2 instances
- 1 Masked master with 1 instance
Total number of Textures: 127
- 46 base color maps in 2048×2048
- 38 roughness, ambient occlusion and height maps (combined) in 2048×204
- 4 roughness, metallic and height maps (combined) in 2048×204
- 39 normal maps in 2048×2048
Source file format: TGA
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, PS4, Xbox One
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, PS4, Xbox One
Engine Compatibility: 4.15 – 4.22
Intended Platform: PC, Console, Mac
Platforms Tested: Windows
Documentation Included: No
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