Real-Time VFX Fundamentals for Unreal Engine 5

Real-Time VFX Fundamentals for Unreal Engine 5

Real-Time VFX Fundamentals for Unreal Engine 5


Real-Time VFX Fundamentals for Unreal Engine 5 : Level up your real-time VFX fundamentals with senior VFX artist Tobias Ahlgren Cederlöf as he breaks down the foundations of making great effects for games — while also analyzing what can make game FX not-so-great for comparison. This workshop offers a great introduction of the key concepts that aspiring VFX artists should follow, while also proving to be a helpful refresher and source of inspiration for experienced artists.

Using nothing but basic elements including sprites, meshes, and animated materials, Tobias creates a multi-stage anime-inspired effect while focusing on the fundamental animation principles coined by animators at Walt Disney Studios many years ago. By completing this workshop, artists will have learned what goes into making great effects at the very core, without needing fancy tech or complicated pipelines.

00. Preview
01. Introduction
02. Animation Principles & References
03. Intro Block Out
04. Transition Blockout
05. Explosion Blockout
06. Polish Introduction
07. Polish Transition
08. Polish Explosion
09. Final Polish
10. Wrap Up

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