NNCleanup for Nuke

NNCleanup for Nuke

NNCleanup for Nuke


NNCleanup for Nuke is an advanced cleanup/inpainting plugin for Nuke. It uses modern machine learning algorithms to fill in a user specified area of a still image with new content that is visually plausible in the context of the surrounding areas. This means it can remove objects by simply giving it a matte of what to replace.

Generate advanced cleanup/inpainting results on stills by only providing it with an input image and a matte.
Native high dynamic range support.
Native overscan handling (i.e. it handles larger bounding boxes than the image frame/format).
Select between a few different training variants of the neural network, to be able to choose the best match for your particular material.
Trained on high quality material to work in production.
GPU accelerated using CUDA by NVIDIA (requires a NVIDIA graphics card).
Supports Nuke 11.3 and later on Linux.
Supports Nuke 12.0 and later on Windows.
Supports Nuke Indie.
Production friendly sandboxed solution that doesn’t need an internet connection to run.

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