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Motion Design School – Perspective Walk Cycle

Motion Design School – Perspective Walk CyclePerspective Walk Cycle


Perspective Walk Cycle : This masterclass is going to help you to better understand walk cycles seen from different points of view with a strongly exaggerated perspective and how to make excellent looping gif. Half of it is made in Adobe After effects using shape layers and particles. And the other part is frame by frame drawn animation. We are going to sketch and make our rough animations in Rough Animator app for iPad and clean it in Adobe Animate.

Masterclass Curriculum

Walk and shape layers

I will explain to you the main key poses of a walk cycle. And based on that we will make the character’s body, book, and umbrella using shape layers in After Effects.

Perspective and particles

We will make the puddles on the ground look like they are moving with the perspective and we will experiment with “CC Particle World” effect to create rain.

Rough animation

We are moving on to the drawing part of the lesson. I will show you a Rough animator app on iPad but of course, you can draw in Adobe Animate or on a piece of paper if you prefer. We are going to draw the keyframes of the character’s legs. After that, I will show you how to make the side character walk further in the distance.


Once we have the keyframes we can think about the spacing between the frames and the line of movement in order to finish the rest of them.

Cleaning, assembling and corrections

We will clean the rough animation in Adobe Animate so that it is in shapes and nice strokes. Then we will gather it all in After effects again and do some corrections to finalize. In the end, we will export a gif in Dribble format (800×600).



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