Modelling The Head : In Blender Vol 1

Modelling The Head : In Blender

Modelling The Head : In Blender


Modelling The Head : In Blender : Welcome to Head modelling tutorial right here in Blender vol 1.The human face is quite complecated to model in 3d than what you might have guesed and this is because of the way the the loops go around the nose, the mouth ,the eyes and around the ears. As a begginer it will be extremely difficult for you to figure out how to correctly sctructure this loops.When i first started learning modelling, i had to go through whole lot of tutorials on how to model the human face and the workflow was very painfull and difficult to understand.

In this course i will teach you how to model the human face using very simple techniques that i have devoloped over the years.Even if you dont know how to draw in 2d this is going to be a lot of funny to learn.

Believe me or not this is the only course that you need for you to be able to model the human face with good topology.After completing this course you will be able to understand and structure the loops around the nose, the mouth ,the eyes and around the ears withouth strugle . Lets get stareted, i will see you in the course.

  • Learn how to naviate and manipulate Blender 3D interface.
  • Learn how to load reference images in Blender.a
  • Learn how to model a character’s head for animation and product visualisation.
  • Learn how to construct proper edge loops that are required by top animation studios.

Who this course is for:
This course is for complete Beginners and someone who wants to learn a certain skill.

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