Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop

Introduction to Graphic Design PhotoshopIntroduction to Graphic Design


Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop : Design is a complex art that involves many different skills and tools. In this course, instructor Tony Harmer covers some core skills in Photoshop that every designer needs to know. Tony shows you how to crop an image, make a rule-of-thirds grid, and removing a background. He goes over color adjusting an image and creating layer comps to display only a selected set of layers. He explains all the steps to build a layout, including feature images, buttons, text, and more. After stepping through some finishing touches, Tony shows you how to organize your Photoshop file and color check to assess your file’s suitability for people with color vision deficiency (CVD). He concludes by explaining how to complete the file, export the variations, and package the file for delivery or archiving.



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