Intro to Digital Painting: Procreate to Photoshop!

Skillshare – Intro to Digital Painting Procreate to Photoshop! A Beginner-Friendly GuideIntro to Digital Painting


Intro to Digital Painting: Procreate to Photoshop! A Beginner-Friendly Guide : Hello and welcome! In this class, I’ll be sharing my perspective on what makes digital painting so great as well as showing you my full setup, process, and a beginner-friendly version of my workflow using BOTH Procreate and Photoshop. I’ll answer lots of common questions I know beginners have, because I had those questions too!

What you’ll get from this class:

  • Insight on how and why it is worth the jump from traditional to digital painting
  • My recommended digital painting tools to get with a limited budget
  • How I developed my own personal workflow and how you can develop yours
  • An understanding of the pros and cons between Procreate and Photoshop



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