Conquering Perspective in Environment Design

Conquering Perspective in Environment Design

Conquering Perspective in Environment Design


Conquering Perspective in Environment Design : Luhan Wang answers the question using her skills in perspective and environment design.

Start creating your own world by looking into its more complex functions and learning how to understand perspective through concepts such as vanishing points that create depth and tell your story.
Setting Up the Horizon Line and Vanishing Points
What kind of perspective are we using? What is our camera angle? What is the amount of space that we want to show? What’s a better way to help tell our story? These questions all have varying answers depending on how we use our first set of key tools. We will look at the horizon line and vanishing point(s) in order to understand their functions and help kickstart our drawings.

The Movement of Objects in Space
If you look at the space around you, you will quickly notice that not everything is perfectly parallel to each other or organized in a pristine manner. Throughout this course, we will learn what role perspective plays in various transformations of an object, and how to achieve them, while maintaining the same shape and form.

Structure Behind Every Detail
During the process of creating an environment, we want to always double-check that the objects we are putting into our spaces feel believable and have the right structure. Throughout this course, I will teach you the basics of building correctly structured objects, making sure that every part of an item is sitting properly in its place.

Required Programs This course will use Photoshop.

Hey there! I am Luhan Wang,
a visual development and concept artist, currently working at Eidos Montreal.

Before diving into the video game industry, I worked on a couple of shows for big studios such as Nickelodeon and Netflix.

Environment design is a very special form of art for me as they can depict stories and convey emotions on their own.

With perspective, we can create a sense of scale, depth, volume, and structure—in short, an illusion of realism for our imaginary universe.

My goal is to help aspiring environment artists understand a perspective and the different ways of approaching it- enough so that they can start creating their own worlds.

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